Saturday, March 10, 2012


Who says Friday, the thirteenth has to be bad luck? Friday, January 13th, was the day I accidentally discovered I had my first book review—a 4-and-a-half star review from Alberta at Manic Readers.

It was so unexpected, and so nice, that I’m including it in this post:

Finding You Again is a great little romance with lots of hot sex, some angst about what their futures will hold, and lots of miscues that cause a few problems for them. Loved the book, and all the characters, along with the twist at the end that allows them to get back together.
So, again, THANK YOU, ALBERTA, for taking the time and effort to read and review the work of a complete unknown.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Wonderful Wild West World of Publishing

No, this is not a post that explains the recent crazy gyrations in publishing, since my grasp of the subject is minimal, though slowly growing as I become more immersed in the field.
Things are still so unsettled that it’s doubtful anyone can logically unravel the various twisted strands currently roiling the industry. But if anybody can, please contact me. I’d gladly sit silent and attentive for hours while I try to absorb your knowledge.
Frankly, all this post means to do is link anyone interested with an article they might not have seen predicting what the New Year may hold for the world of publishers, agents, writers and distributors.
So here’s the link:
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


            Yes, it’s finally here! Release Day for “Finding You Again,” and a totally low-key affair.
Nary a handful of confetti, cluster of balloons or celebratory banner anywhere in sight.
Recently, individual or group blog tours and hops have become a wonderful way for writers to welcome their books into the world and get the word out about their latest creative endeavors. In my view, that would have been the best, but for family reasons undoable, so I’m planning a “Better Late Than Never” Blog Tour for later in the year.
In the meantime, here’s the link to a “Release Day” message I just posted on The Wild Rose Press blog. It includes a fairly long excerpt from the book. So if anyone has the time or desire to visit and read, here’s the link:
And may 2012 bring everyone good health, happiness and the fulfillment of their fondest wishes!