Wednesday, September 16, 2015


As of September 1, 2015, SCP, the publisher of my novel "Sizzle," suddenly and without prior notice closed its doors.

I proceeded to ask publisher Sandy Sullivan that all rights to the book be reverted back to me, and on September 12, 2015, Ms. Sullivan sent an email granting my request.

Like all endings, this one is also difficult. It's incredibly sad that things ended this way, both for the authors involved and for publisher Sullivan whose dream died with the death of the company she established and lovingly nurtured for four-and-a-half years.

At some point in the future "Sizzle" might find another home, but for now it's officially gone.

However, my TWRP novella is still an ongoing project. At the moment I've been busily working on a few revisions. So even in the midst of sad endings, there are often joyous and hopeful beginnings.